Welcome to Chrillsims New Blog
Welcome to Chrillsims brand new Blog...
I have been working on this site for quite some time now... and i must say this looks much better than my previous Blog.. so if you wonder where my other blog is? well it's gone... it did not have the features i was hoping for and it cost me much plus the site had some issues.. but i'm happy to bring you this new blog.
This blog will be the hot spot for everything i do as Chrillsims.. and i'm thinking of to expand this site in the future so you might see some house downloads you can download into your game or a Simfact (only) news page and so on... first i wanna see if you fellow Chrillions like this page... i hope you like it because this can be so much better than just having twitter and Facebook.. like you can see how far into my projects i am.. the latest and newest Sims videos if you haven't seen it yet..
But also this blog.. and i want to make this blog very unique, there will be me as Chrillsims but you will also see posts from Detective Chrill, Director Chrill and Chrill the Builder... Detective Chrill talks about his thoughts and theories, mysteries and clues when it comes to my show "Simfacts". Director Chrill tells the stories and news when it comes to the "Story time" show... someday he might even tell his own story? ;) and Chrill the builder talks of course about all the houses and creations he creates.. All these sims have one big boss.. me Chrillsims ;)
i think this gonna be awesome, the Blog and website will expand more in the future and will be updated as soon as i have something to say.. in future i'm also thinking of adding premium features but that is something i wanna talk about more of later. last but not least you can sign up for a Chrillsims news letter where you get all Chrillsims news, big announcements, videos and New Sims News in general and it will be one email every week... i hope you have an awesome day and my job is to make your sims happy.